Bachelor News Update

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Bachelor Part Here's the Deal: The BNU Shall Rise Again in an Untimely Manner

Okay babies. This viewer is going overseas. It does not that we do not love you, or that we do not fervently await Brad Wombat and his deathly hallows. BUT, we are going to be gone during the airing of Mr. Wombat's initial walk of shame, and are not about to spend our last night in Europe in an internet cafe, watching hours of trash television online. So, we will post sometime next week, more likely nearer the weekend than far-er. We apologize, but this is the best we can do. We heart you all, and to all a goodnight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank [insert deity of choice here] you will be back. When I didn't get an email with the update I thought "oh no....I suffered through that premiere for nothing." You are my reason for watching Jake, and now Brad. Keep up the good work and they should pay you, but I bet they don't value users who tune in to mock - or to better enjoy others mocking, like myself! Hope you had a great vacation.

1:10 PM  

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