Bachelor News Update

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dolly Pemily Part 7: He's a REAL boy

Babies, we apologize for the time delay.  But, we are not as young as we once were and therefore feel noncommital about early wakeups to blog our stream-of-consciousness before our own Self Edit (such that it exists) kicks in.  So, we are properly chastised for our second late-morning start.  And now let's get started.

DP Part 7 begins in Prague.  The Dolly, apparently feels "back in olden days."  Oh yes, that must be before Yore, and after the Years Of Our Lord.   DP is once again stalking through the streets without her inner thighs touching.  Homeslice looks like she is balancing on two toenail clippings.  We cast a hairy eyeball at DP's twiglets and eat a cookie. 

Here is Chris Harrison, welcoming the men who have not Cast Up Their Accounts on this particular Love Boat:  "Congratulations, you are the six men that Emily definitely sees her future with." 
Says KMu: "How can this be?  She definitely sees herself with six?"
Yes, please step this way towards next season's show: Brother-Husbands, a new twist on Sister Wives.  But not if they don't survive the Sudden Death Round, for on this episode we shall be faced with three 1:1 dates and a group date.  No roses shall be handed out except on the group date, but you could go home . . . .
As the men settle into their hotel suite, which looks suspiciously like a drawing room a la Dangerous Liaisons, date card #1 arrives for Hot Wheels:  "Let's Czech out Prague," it reads.  Hot Wheels Prauge-ably thinks this sounds like fun.  [you are welcome, gentle readers].  

We are slightly skeeved as we watch Hot Wheels shave with his shirt gratuitously unbuttoned.  Wear it or don't wear it, Hot Wheels. But don't be all "I shall protect a narrow strip of my chest from water and soap by negligent wearage of this fancy shirt."   KMu feels there is something "off" about him, yet We at the BNU can't quite decide what.  But CorpChris can -- he is En Fuego that Hot Wheels got another date, whereas CorpChris has been cooling his heels since North Carolina.  As we suspect that CorpChris is Going to Become Unhinged on this episode, we ignore him at this time.

And then, DP shows up with another guidebook (shit shit shit), which we canNOT understand how she remembers as she has wholly Forgotten Her Pants.  We squint at the television, trying to figure out what DP is wearing. We see cowboy boots, and a shirt cut down to . . well, past the television screen, and . .. FORMAL SHORTS.  wtf.  We HATE a formal short.  But it does not get any better, as the date progresses generally along the following lines:

DP: "It's wild to just stand right here, right in this spot, and look at that clock, and think about all the people who have looked at that same spot.  Isn't that cool?"
Hot Wheels: "English?  English?  Anyone, speak English??"
We are ashamed to be an American tourist and wonder if we could pass for Canadian on our next travel adventures. 

And then the camera focuses on Hot Wheels and DP holding hands and we momentarily forget our culture shame.  For lo, our Fair Maiden is NOT wearing Formal Shorts, but SEQUINED TAP PANTS.   Decorated like a doily. With, did this viewer mention sequins?  And beads? A high pitch giggle escapes from the direction of KMu.   And before we can recover from the right hook that is The Pants, we are leveled by Hot Wheels unhinging his jaw and entirely swallowing DP's face in some form of strange mating ritual.

But there is Trouble Brewing in Hot Wheelsville, as DP knows Something About Him That He Has Not Confessed.   And it is that he *briefly* dated a producer on this show 10 years ago. But DP is bothered by this, and sets Hot Wheels up by taking him to "rub a dog that means loyalty" on some door, while talking all about "opening up" and being "completely honest" with "no secrets" and whether or not Hot Wheels feels he is "completely trustworthy."  

This is Our Thing about Dolly Pemily (All of Us):  Rather than confront an issue head-on, Dolly Pemily asks all around the edges of the perceived problem in some passive aggressive attempt to trip the guy up and make everyone feel like a fool.  She has done this at least three times on Season Dolly Pemily alone, and we are heartily sick of it.  Dear Aspiring Bachelorettes Everywhere,  please use "I statements"  to directly express your feelings like we all learned in 6th grade Quest, rather than trying to smokebomb out the groundhog you believe to be cutting up your peace.  This PSA has been brought to you by the BNU.

Chris Harrison tries to make things better with a series of stilted pre-taped sessions in which he says "in the interest of full disclosure" that various conversations were had off and/or on camera by Dolly Pemily, the producer (Cassie) and Hot Wheels about the two dates Hot Wheels and Cassie had, 10 years ago. According to DP, had anyone told her about the alleged relationship, she would have said, "Cassie, who's that?  He's a great kisser!" (because that would also be This Viewer's Chief Observation if ABC had kept said relationship secret from her.)  And also, from the mouth of DP:  "I'm bothered by this, because this is not a production.  It's a Real Life Thing." 

Our stock in The Dolly just went down, possibly past the edges of her Tap Pants of Death.

Fortunately, Hot Wheels and DP are able to Overcome This Obstacle and are soon seen at dinner while piano jazz plays.  As they talk about DP coming to visit Hot Wheels' family, she expresses a need to "plan her outfit."  We secretly suspect that Dolly Pemily's version of planning outfits plays along somewhat different lines than this viewers' general daily thought proces:  (1) Is it clean? (2) Does it not involve a belt? (3) If it DOES involve a belt can this viewer ignore the belt without Surprise Flashage? (4) smothered with a healthy dose of : if this viewer wears jeans under a mumu today, will anyone notice if we Stay In Our Office?

As we are analyzing the Pitfalls of Outfit Planning, we almost miss that Hot Wheels has told DP that he loves her.  DP is thrilled and offers him a "surprise" (already shown several times this season):  Fireworks.  Okay, so this viewer once went to a 4th of July bbq at the same property from which fireworks were being discharged later this evening.  And as we lay back to watch the explosions directly above us, we were suddenly aware of Burning Chunks of Debris falling within six inches of our chair and thought "surely, surely this is not the way in which I am going to Die."  Fortunately, we did not (we know you are glad), but our enthusiasm for fireworks, both on and off the screen, has been somewhat tempered ever since.

So while this is going on, Date Card #2 arrives for Data:  "In Prague, all you need is love."  Just great. A date we completely don't care about.  So we are going to make this quick:  Data does not move from the waste down, or the shoulders up.  As they take an architectural boat tour, Data wants to tell DP why he is a "hard shell" like his father and why he's been so quiet.  We at the BNU are compelled to offer a second PSA for the day: Dear male readers: Please do not expect your date to pry into Why You Are a Deep and Silent Brooding Man, because if she is worth her salt, she will artfully maintain a steady stream of questions while secretly thinking the following thoughts:
(1) god, I feel like a talk show host.
(2) this guy needs to get his shit together.
Which leads us full circle back to PSA #1, babies, and the importance of directness. The End.

 Off Data and DP go to the Lennon walk, to paint on the wall.  DP offers the only bit of levity here:  "I don't know what kind of artist I am.  Actually, I do.  I am a terrible one."  Though the Dolly has not recovered in our estimation quite past the pre-Tap Pant Horror, she gains a few points for this ready admission.  After painting (which, for Dat, means writing "All we need is love" on the wall), Dp and Data try their hand at putting a lock on some metal grate to symbolize good luck in love. 

At this point, Data should run away, as every single contestant who has tried his hand at (1) writing wishes to place in a love clock, (2) walking through doorways which symbolize love's journey, and (3) standing on a stone to bring luck in love thus far on Season Dolly Pemily have been a Sad Sack of Failurage, generally not Making It Past the end of the date.  Yet the very fact that Data is NOT running seems to guarantee a similar fate.  This date soon progresses even more rapidly into misery, as Data feels like he dates more people like him as he ages, and tells a sad tale of being cheated on by the last woman he ever loved, who ran off with a doctor for three days and left him calling hospitals and prisons in search of her. 

We are amazed that Data comes home from this date/therapy session, but he does.  And also, he feels confident that he Knocked It Out of the Park.  Well played, Dolly.  We bow to your Superior Interviewing Skills. 

Upon learning that DP walked Data home, Sean takes off running.  He "Must See Her," babies. He "Has To See Her." emily . . .EMily. . .. STELLA..... STTEEEEEEEELLLLLLAAAAA" he screams as he runs through the streets.  "If I run around the city of Prague and don't find her, I would be devastated" says he. Seriously?  the entire city of Prague?  We are very sad when he actually finds her, and our heart sinks even further when he utters the following: "What are YOU doing here?!?"  Running away from you, you Noids Addled Super Christian.  Dolly Pemily is, of course, overjoyed.  Blah blah they kiss in a pub and up against a wall, she thinks he will be a good husband, and we all take a drink.

CorpChris is now in a fine fettle, and works himself into a Lather of Pissitude becuse date Card #3 has arrived for himself, Dong, nd Sean:  "Let's find Our Happy Ever After."  Sean is all resplendant:
"Why does he always wear coral?," wonders KMu. "That's like, the Golden Girls color."

Off we go on some horses to a 13th century castle. Dong is thrilled:  "I've never in 1 million years thought I'd run around in a 13th century castly in the Czech republic."  Why so specific, Dong?  This viewer never in a million years thought the elastic in her underpants would give out halfway across campus while wearing a skirt , but that happened too.  It's all about perspective and reflexes, Dong.

CorpChris is generally Captain Butthole for this date, but it is Dong who suffers most severely.  As Dolly Pemily carts him off for some 1:1 time, he sits as far away from her as possible in a tiny window sill, crosses his arms, and apologizes for brushing his hand against hers. When she says its okay because she "likes touching," he tells the camera that he wishes she would "give him a sign" that she wants to be kissed.  And as she starts to DUMP HIM on the way back from the Window Sill Tragedy and All Lack of Touchng Associated Therewith, he actually DOES kiss her - in the middle of the dumpage.  "Thank you for that," says Dolly Pemily, and also "I am sending you home."  Dong is sad and cries in the car on the way home, and we are a little sad for him too, for it must be terrible to be that clueless.

Soon it is dinner, and Dolly Pemily is wearing what KMu likes to call "a bassinet for her tits."  It is white, and netty at the top.  And tied around the neck in some way that we cannot like.  Moreover, now that she is left alone with Sean and CorpChris, she has given them two keys -- one of which opens the door to the first 1:1 spot.  In a prison cell "or wood fire oven," says KMu.  Sean is thrilled to get the first key -- a Big Key ..  a Man's Key," says he.   We wonder if he is a Promise Keeper.  We take a drink.  CorpChris is an asshat in his 1:1 time, complaining that he is "upset with DP" for not giving him a 1:1 date since North Carolina.  We take another drink.  We aer not surprised when Sean gets the rose on this date.

Finally, date card #4 has arrived, for Jef(f) :  "This is your chance to pull on my heart strings."  We cannot understand why we like this guy so much, with that awful awful hipster hair.  But suddenly we see what she might see in him, as we see that DP has festooned herself in gay pride parade boots, complete with fringe.  We rewind, only to watch her walk several times.  And then:

OMG.  They are looking at puppets, including a moonwalking Michael Jackson, a moostachioed prince, and a princess with pippy longstocking braids.  They buy the prince and princess, plus tiny puppet for Ricky because Jef(f) "can't leave her hangin.'"  Ok, that is creepy on so many levels. This viewer, who thinks Puppets are Akin to Clowns and therefore Not To Be Trusted, can hardly stand to be in this shop with DP and Jef(f), even acros the miles.   But it gets worse. 

Dolly Pemily and Jef(f) spend their entire date in a library, where they act out their relationship with puppets. 
"Is this really happening?" says KMu.
We are too traumatized to speak, as Jef(f) is now explaining that "the puppets make it easier to express some big feelings." Like that he is "100% in love with her" and "wants to get a dog with her." 

Abandoning the puppets (thank god), they lay down on a tiny blanket in the middle of the library to talk about family, how his family is private and how his parents won't be able to meet her because they are otherwise engaged in another state for a few years, and the fact that he has broken up with women whom his family doesn't like, pretty much for that reason.  But she should be at ease, gentle readers, because they are soon planning how many children they will have, and he is expressing that he wants to "date you so hard and marry the f*ck out of you."

Okay, and here is our confession:  We still like this guy. Even after puppets, veiled acknowledgments of mormonism, skinny jeans, and perfectly awful hair.  We do not know what is happening.  Oh dear.

So here we are in the rose ceremony, and I am late for a lunch thing so I have to make this quick.  Dolly Pemily is wearing a blue tin foil dress.  She does not want a rose ceremony.  CorpChris is horrified, as he has acted like a child all week and was hoping to Dance For His Life at the rose ceremony.  But we go forward anyway, and she picks . . to join Sean with roses:

(1) Jef(f)
(2) Hot Wheels
*** Wait a minute:  Corp Chris is convulsing.  He asks to interupt the rose ceremony and make his plea with Dolly Pemily.  He does so.  They come back, and . . .

(3) CorpChris gets the final rose.

We don't really think that CorpChris' last minute safety dance had anything to do with Dolly Pemily's choices, but we know Data will think so as he takes the long road home. 

Stay tuned for next week, when we get to meet the boys' families!!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

During Season Ashley and Season Ben, imagined what pithy comments would be forthcoming from BNU. A handful of times checked to see if BNU was back in the saddle, only to be reminded not to wish for what cannot be. Today decided to check in again, JUST IN CASE. EUPHORIA! Immediately called husb, squealed in poor man's ear "THE BNU IS BACK!" He congratulated me. Thank you, KLo and WELCOME BACK!

10:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We love when KLo is around.

11:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being a self-acknowledge nerd, I went online and discovered that Prague's population is over 1.2 million and that it covers 191 square kilometers. And yet, ABC wants us to believe that the one guy (I can't even remember) wandered about Prague not only expecting to find Dolly, but in fact finding her! What? This is why I rely on KLo to report rather than watching the whole thing, and by the way, diet Coke came out my nose when I read your story about the underpants elastic failure. Excellent.

12:31 PM  
Blogger Limas and Allevatos said...

Yay! You're back!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7:47 PM  
Anonymous KLo said...

So Happy This Viewer is Being Found again!!! Thank you all for the warm welcome and kind words.

6:11 AM  

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