Peter Brady Part 3: Literally.
We begin Peter Brady Part 3 with an announcement from ABe: “It’s MLK Day. That means you have to be nice to black
people today.” We suspect this is because she doesn’t want
this Author to tell you that she reported having “Aten” a bunch of cookies. It’s ok, ABe:
we’ve all got to get our vocabulary warmed down for the Bachelor.
SO, let’s get to it: This was pretty much the Most Boring Episode
We start at The House, where some girls are gossiping that
Olivia spent $40,000 on clothes for the show.
This Author suspects she knows from where. The other day, we received a clothing magazine
in the mail called something like “Vixen” or “Venus.” And inside, we discovered every outfit ever
worn on the Bachelor. We are regretting
not saving This Best Magazine Ever as Illustrative Photo Material for this Blog,
but are confident it will come in the mail again. ANYWAY, as the baby women discuss Olivia’s
wardrobe, Olivia is advising the camera that she “just wanna hold his hand and
kiiisss him.”

Chris Harrison breaks in with some Entirely Unexpected News: There will be three dates on this
episode: two 1:1 dates and a group date. He presents the first date card, which reads “The
Sky’s the Limit.” Aaaaand, it’s for the
flight attendant, Lauren B.
“She looks 12 years old,” says ABe.
“She looks like Lauren LaurEN,” concludes This Author. Or at least, a 12 year old version of the Bush who married a LaurEN.
“She looks like Lauren LaurEN,” concludes This Author. Or at least, a 12 year old version of the Bush who married a LaurEN.
Peter Brady has a “great date planned” for Lauren LaurEN,
who has “stood out to me since the minute she walked out of the limo” and
should stand out again because she is wearing jean shorts and some kind of. . .
“Top/Not Top,” offers ABe.
“Top/Not Top,” offers ABe.
It’s like a ruffle on some string.
We next learn that ABC has found Amelia Earhart’s plane and
decided to fly Peter Brady and Lauren LaurEN inside of it to see if they might also
die. They go to the airport, where they spend
the day doing stunt turns in this 100 year old airplane and pretending to have
fun. Gentle Readers, this Author once
went on a Desert Safari somewhere around Dubai, which (in part) involved riding
in these ridiculous range rovers to a Desert Bellydancing Concert. But before we got to it, we had to go up and
down the dunes in those damn range rovers because someone must have told the
Safari People that Westerners think that’s fun.
The Sea of Vomits in which this Author’s teeth were
floating, is Not To Remain Untold.
Lauren LaurEN is not similarly affected. She claims to feel like a “little kid” with
Peter Brady. (Really? REALLY?!?) Peter Brady thinks she is making this date “so
much more amazing” than previously expected, and informs her that he “likes the
view” where she is sitting. They kiss,
and it is horrible.
KMu provides analysis:
“It’s not him. It’s her. What is
going on there? This is NOT a good kiss.”
Then we come to a hot tub in the middle of a field.
“This is the time that we say a prayer for the poor interns
that have to lug that,” says KMu.
But our minds are on other matters. One time, a group of this viewer’s college
friends discovered a little pool that appeared to no longer be maintained at
the hotel in which they were staying in the Dominican Republic. And only upon swimming in it did they
discover the Snickers Bar/NOT Snickers Bar swimming with them.
We look around wildly for the Snickers.
To the tune of a Spanish guitar, Lauren LaurEN changes into
a bikini behind some trees and enters the hot tub. KMu rightfully wonders if it is not, in fact,
a bikini, but a training bra that Lauren LaurEN just purchased with her mother.
We don’t know, because they are kissing
again and we want it to stop. And also, what if there is a Snickers in there???
At last it is dinner.
The only think you need to know is that Lauren LaurEN is wearing this:
It is white halter.
With a doily on top that is gathered up around the tuckus and also, with
the fringies. But Peter Brady is In
Hots with Lauren LaurEN, and wants to know what her life is like because he has
a tendency to “dive in full force.”
“I like really simple things.” Says Luaren LaurEN.
Talking. Not Talking. Soup.
“My dad is the simplest of guys. He is obsessed with his yard.” She continues.
“How has a dude not snatched you up already?” wonders Peter Brady.
The most interesting part of this whole thing is Peter Brady
telling Lauren LaurEN about his father needing an unexpected triple bypass
surgery, and how he saw in his mother’s eyes, at that moment, the love she had
for him but also her fear of losing him.
Oh Peter Brady that is some hard stuff.
And also, please don’t marry anyone from this show. Go back to Warsaw. Meet a nice woman at the Dairy Queen who can
handle Indiana winters and also, drive a pontoon boat.
But Peter Brady continues to be smitten. He tells Lauren LaurEN “I just spent the day
with you, and not only did I get the gift of looking at you and laughing with
you. . .”
If this Author had a dollar
for every time her coworkers told her that, we would have zero dollars but we
know they secretly think it.
Blah blah she gets
the rose. And then they go dance in a
barn (???) to some woman named Lucy Angel who has a very, er, involved makeup
artist. Peter Brady, listening to her lyrics and dancing with Lauren LaurEN,
feels “changed” by the woman. We at the
BNU feel changed by her dress.
Meanwhile, back at the house, Calia Is crying because “it’s
just hitting me that there are amazing people here, and like, I don’t want to
be guarded, but like, it’s going to be hard.”
“Have you ever WATCHED THIS SHOW?” says ABe.
“Have you ever WATCHED THIS SHOW?” says ABe.
As she gets herself together, the group date card comes
for: Alvin and All the Chipmunks, Hailey
(Twin), Jennifer, Shushanna, Event Planner Leah, Vaguely Black Amber, The Dern,
Olivia, Jami, Lace, Unemployed Rachel, and Emily (Twin). “Love is the goal,” it says.
Suddenly, the women are spilling out of a limo at the LA coliseum
in athletic clothing.
This Author, as some of you know, has some Mennonite
tendencies which May or May Not involve thriftiness in Certain Areas. One of those areas is our athletic gear, because
this author has never understood why one must be cute at the gym. Except now our athleticy pants are like, 15
years old and, when worn with a crumbling t-shirt that says “Staff of 98,” or,
even further in the Way Back Machine, “Boston Ballet,” take it A Bridge Too Far
even for this Author. So we look with
interest at the Athletic Items Adorning The Young People these Days. And immediately become depressed. At least they won’t get lost in the dark, so
bright is the dayglow.
This is apparently a soccer date. And to teach them mad soccer skillz Peter
Brady presents Alex Morgan and Kelly O’Neil from the US National Team. As we
are fan girling over these women and their NORMAL ATHLETIC CLOTHES, the
following occurs during a practice drill:
The Dern: “I have
zero ball handling skills.”
This Author: “Ahahahhaha.”
Alex/Kelly: “I am surprised how few of [the women] have foot skills.”
KMu: “Do any of them have any skills? . . . Of Any kind?”
This Author: “Ahahahhaha.”
Alex/Kelly: “I am surprised how few of [the women] have foot skills.”
KMu: “Do any of them have any skills? . . . Of Any kind?”
Chris Harrison comes out in a referee shirt and divides the
women up into “team stars” and “team stripes.” The winning team gets to
continue the date with Peter Brady, which The Harrison just called “the Cup.”
The Stars begin with this chant: “Star light, star bright, we’re gonna win Ben
tonight!” We believe they should
immediately be disqualified.
The game continues as expected, with Lace (the goalee for
team stripes) conceding the first point because she didn’t know she could PICK
UP THE BALL. “My Bad,” she says.
Emily (Twin) ends up being a beast of a goalie (team Stars),
and we look at her in a new light. We like Beast Emily. Meanwhile, Unemployed Rachel (team Stars)
gets injured, and Olivia (team Stripes) decides to take advantage of it, but it
is ultimately Jami the Bartender that scores the winning goal for Team
Stripes. People are crying. “That was like a girl fight,” concludes
Unemployed Rachel as she limps from the field.
The survivors go to a
cocktail party, where Peter Brady is wearing a weird leather jacket, and Hailey
(Twin) is wearing giant chandeliers for earrings.
“Iiiiii, wanna swing, from the chandelieeeeeeeer,” sings KMU.
“1, 2, 3. 1 2, 3 drink.” Thinks this Author as she eyes her wine.
“Iiiiii, wanna swing, from the chandelieeeeeeeer,” sings KMU.
“1, 2, 3. 1 2, 3 drink.” Thinks this Author as she eyes her wine.
Olivia steals Peter Brady away to talk. “People find me
intimidating, but I’m not,” she insists, as she leans in.
They kiss.
KMu acknowledges that Olivia is excellent at manipulating
this game, but ABe has just discovered something we cannot get over:
“Olivia is 23 year old,” ABe says.
Girl looks at least 30. And also, that explains a lot.
The other women don’t like Olivia, and gossip behind her
back: “I think her boobs are fake and
her breathe is terrible,” someone says. Someone else criticizes her toes as
ugly. Jami the Bartender gets mad about
this, and tells Olivia because that always helps. And then this happens:
Jami: “Some girls
were, like, critiquing your body.”
Olivia: “Let me guess, my calves.”
Jami: “No…”
Olivia: “My cankles?”
Olivia: “Let me guess, my calves.”
Jami: “No…”
Olivia: “My cankles?”
Jami: “Like . . your
toes. Your toes aren’t cute.”
Olivia (to the camera later): “Do I have bad toes? I know I do. I hate my toes.”
Olivia (to the camera later): “Do I have bad toes? I know I do. I hate my toes.”
We cannot believe this is happening.
While Olivia is worrying about her Cankles, Vaguely Black
Amber is continuing the monologue that she began at the beginning of this season,
complaining that she hasn’t had enough time with Peter Brady and that she is
worried about what it might mean, while doing exactly nothing about it. And she utters the most pathetic line
ever: “If it takes me two seasons on the
Bachelor to find someone who loves me, it’s worth it.” Oh, Honey.
Go take a watercolor class.
Naturally in the end, she gets the rose on this date.
At last, date card #3 comes, saying “Love is in the Air.” And it is FOR JUBILEE. History is being made, people, even though we
know that what probably happened is this:
KMu: “Now I’m going to out-cynic the
cynic. They probably gave this rose to
Peter Brady with an explanation that it needed to go to the black woman because
the episode is airing on MLK day.”
We get a little nervous for Jubilee right from the start
because, by this point, we have endured various melt-downs from her where she
is worrying if she is worth it to Ben, and about how difficult it is for her to
open up. So when Peter Brady shows up
and she acts a little odd and also not very excited for the date, we start to
get the Nervous Sweats.
Jubilee is, in the words of Jami the Bartender, a little “awko-taco”
today. But we like her outfit, however,
which involves A Linen Pants.
As a helicopter arrives to pick Jubilee and Peter Brady up from
the compound, Jubilee makes an off-hand comment/bad joke to the other women
about “anyone else want to go on my date” because she is afraid of
heights. We only mention this because of
the ShitStorm that later ensues.
Anyway, they soon arrive at “a whole big miniature castle,”
in the words of Jubilee, where there is a giant table of delicious looking
food. Peter Brady offers Jubilee caviar,
which neither of them has tried but Jubilee promptly spits into a napkin.
“What’s your favorite food?” asks Peter Brady.
“I’m obsessed with hot dogs,” Says Jubilee.
“I like foot longs,” Whispers KMu.
“Is this really happening you guys?” demands ABe.
“I’m obsessed with hot dogs,” Says Jubilee.
“I like foot longs,” Whispers KMu.
“Is this really happening you guys?” demands ABe.
Eventually, Jubilee relaxes and we start to like her. She reveals how surprised she was that Peter
Brady picked her, and they play shuffleboard and joke around. We just feel bad for her because she so
clearly has so many insecurities.
As they get into the hot tub, we suddenly discover that ABC
has super-imposed our innermost thoughts about this moment into the backdrop of
the show.
Anyway, off we go to dinner, where Peter Brady tells Jubilee
that she’s been a lot more open and honest with him than other people on this
show, and she has “no idea how refreshing it is.” And then she breaks all of our hearts by
revealing that she was in an orphanage, apparently in Haiti, because her entire
family died except her. And that while
her past is horrible, she is still grateful for it because it made her who she
is today, and she likes who she is today. We have no words.
She gets the rose on this date.
A new day dawns for the rose ceremony, and the ShitStorm
hits. Basically, the last hour of this
show may be summarized as: The other
girls hate Jubilee and decide to take her down.
They blow up her comment about other folks going on her date, criticize
her separateness from the rest of the house, and so on and so forth.
ABe: “I am just trying to understand why
they all hate her.”
KMu: “Scene: Middle School Girls’ Cafeteria.”
KMu: “Scene: Middle School Girls’ Cafeteria.”
As the rose ceremony starts,
Peter Brady comes into the room all shaken up and announces that he just
received a phone call saying that two people he was close to, died in a plane
crash the prior night. WAIT A MINUTE WE
KNOW THIS. We at the BNU determine that
he must be referring to the plane crash that killed several people on the way
to the Notre Dame – Clemson game this past season. Oh Peter Brady, come back to Indiana!
Mr. Brady advises the women that he’s feeling pretty down, but
he’s reminded of why he is here – to find someone to sit and talk with when
things like this happens.
Olivia interrupts him:
“Can I grab you?”
Beast Emily, the twin who has risen from the ashes of twindom like a phoenix to claim this Viewer’s position as Favorite for this Moment, describes this moment: “Can I steeeeal you?”
Beast Emily, the twin who has risen from the ashes of twindom like a phoenix to claim this Viewer’s position as Favorite for this Moment, describes this moment: “Can I steeeeal you?”
And then this happens:
Olivia to Peter Brady:
“I really hate my legs from the waist down. People have written blogs about how I have
cankles. And . . . . sorry [for she is
CRYING now], I try to be strong all the time, but . . . it’s the scariest thing
ABe, KMu, AND this Author must pick ourselves off the
“That’s not really what I needed at the moment,” says Peter
Brady to the camera.
Jubilee, filled with anxiety about how her relationship with
the other women “isn’t the best,” makes it worse by giving Peter Brady a
massage. This is admittedly awkward, but certainly no worse than Olivia’s
reaction and at least makes Mr. Brady feel better. But the other women are furious. Jami the Bartender approaches Jubilee while
this is happening, and Peter Brady says “that was just incredible; it’s like my
favorite thing in the world.” So Jami
sucks in her teeth and marches back to the other women, who determine that the
massage thing was “just rude.” Jami then seeks out Jubilee to TELL HER because that seems like a good
idea: “We want to talk to you. There’s a
bunch of us.” Jubilee, in turn, says she’s
“not doing a girl chat” and marches upstairs to the bathroom to avoid them all.
At this point, we are feeling sorry for Jubilee, who is
trying to avoid drama in a house she cannot leave. THEN Peter Brady finds Jubilee, which enrages
the women more, so Jami takes it upon herself to corner Jubilee AND Peter Brady
in the bathroom and do a little speech about how Jubilee’s comment about going
on the date “Literally hurt a lot of girls.”
“Like, stabbed them.” Says KMu. “Literally.”
Peter Brady gently shuts Jami down but telling her that he
would like Jubilee to be herself, but now LACE has dragged Peter Brady off into
a corner and hiccupping and crying. All
of this may be summarized by the following:
Lace: “Like my tattoo says, “you can’t love someone else
without loving yourself.”
She self-selects herself out of the gene pool.
She self-selects herself out of the gene pool.
After saying goodbye to her, we turn to the remaining
women. One of the twins is wearing a “Rhinestone
Cleavage curtain,” in the words of ABe and KMu.
And Shushanna is wearing a pants suit “because Russian.”
Joining Lauren LaurEN, Vaguely Black Amber, and Jubilee with
Roses, Peter Brady Picks.
1. The Dern
2. Alvin and All of the Chipmunks
3. Hemingway
4. Haley (twin)
5. Beast Emily
6. Unemployed Rachel
7. Caila.
8. Jo
Jo (horrible voice)
9. Jennifer, wearing some kind of Kleenex twisty
10. Leah the event planner
11. Olivia.
“One of the biracial bar tenders” (in the words of ABe) gets
cut, which we think is Jami. She “feels like she LITERALLY just got smaked
across the face.” Literally. And her takeaway lesson is “don’t ever expect
anything from humans.” Literally. Shoshanna also gets the axe, joining Lace
But ABe is still not over Jami: “If you come from resources,
you are generally going to get out of life what you put into it. But if you
want to be miserable, you will be. Look
at me waxing philosophical about this dumbass show.”
And on that note, we leave you. Stay tuned for next week, Gentle Readers,
which I will be blogging from California, having abandoned ABe and KMu in the
snow and bitterness.
I had the same reaction to Olivia's age. Literally.
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